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Weight stability

Weight stability after bariatric surgeries

What is the problem of weight stability after bariatric surgeries?

Some cases of obese patients lose a lot of weight after bariatric surgeries, until they reach a state of weight stability. This condition is the body's reflex action to the change in weight as it is considered strange to the body.

What is the rate of weight loss after Bariatric surgeries?

An obese patient loses a lot of weight after bariatric surgery, especially in the first months after the operation.
Here is the rate of weight loss achieved by an obese patient after bariatric surgery, of course, while adhering to post-operative instructions:
- First 3 months: The patient loses 30% of his weight.
- First 6 months: Loses 50% of his weight.
- After a year: 70% of his weight is lost and often reaches the ideal weight in this period.
The patient feels full after the least amount of food, and the part of the stomach responsible for the secretion of grellin or hunger hormone is eliminated. Hunger becomes rare after bariatric surgeries.

Tips for avoiding weight stability after bariatric surgeries:

1- Exercise regularly to raise the metabolic rate.
2- Drink water in sufficient quantities for at least two liters per day.
3- Eating foods that raise the metabolic rate.
4- Eat small but multiple meals during the day.
5- Comply with postoperative instructions and the prescribed diet from the doctor, especially in the first months after the operation.

To watch a video for Dr. Osama Khalil about weight stability after bariatric surgeries, click here  

What is the "Yo-Yo" phenomenon in weight?!

The yo-yo phenomenon is going down and up again in weight. The weight you lose, returns to you back again after a while.
It is a condition that occurs to many obese patients when they follow different diet regimens to achieve weight loss.

But don't worry dear reader, bariatric surgery is not accompanied by the Yo-Yo weight loss. If you lose weight, it's not back to you again.
In bariatric surgery, about 70% of the stomach size is removed. 
The patient feels full after the least amount of food, and the part of the stomach responsible for the secretion of grellin or hunger hormone is eliminated. Hunger becomes rare after bariatric surgeries.
Also, when you perform the surgery with a skilled surgeon, the part of the stomach fundus, which is responsible for the dilation of the stomach, is completely removed, thus protecting you from returning weight.